LDM-463: Data Access Design

  • Jacek Becla

Latest Revision: 2017-03-09

1   Introduction

There are two primary methods of data access. The first, which appears primarily as a library to the user, is the Butler. The second is a set of HTTP interfaces collectively known as the DAX APIs or loosely referred to as webserv. There may be some overlap between the two of these; in some cases, the Butler may call out to the DAX APIs or the DAX APIs may use the Butler underneath, and we plan to have a DAX API which operates as a Butler bridge service. This last service will serve primarily as a proxy for remote applications which may be coded in any language.

2   Butler

2.1   Overview - What is the Data Butler?

The Butler is a framework for generic I/O and data management. It isolates application code from the underlying data-access implementation in terms of storage formats, physical locations, data staging, database mapping, etc.

Butler stores data in and retrieves data from Repositories. Each repository has a mapper that is used to find data in the repository. The mapper is configured by a Policy that provides configuration details.

This general concept makes the Data Butler potentially able to serve as a data router (or hub or switch). Data can be published and sent to multiple locations based on the Butler configuration. Those locations may include “persistent storages” that are actually dynamic (like displays or subscription streams) rather than truly persistent storage.

2.2   ‘Old’ vs. ‘New’ Butler

‘Old’ Butler mechanisms and their ‘new’ Butler counterparts are discussed briefly here.

2.2.1   A few things to know about ‘new’ Butler mechanisms

‘Old’ butler managed a single i/o repository. It could have parents via a parent symlink. The CameraMapper allowed a separate calib repository, and a separate output repository specified by outputRoot. ‘New’ butler manages multiple repositories that can be specified as inputs (read-only) and outputs which may be write-only or read-write. The behavior of ‘new’ Butler repositories is discussed throughout this document.

Repository configuration (cfg) parameters are stored in a yaml file in the repository called repositoryCfg.yaml. This cfg replaces the _parent symlink and _mapper file, and includes other parameters.

‘New’ butler repositories can have multiple parent repositories. References to parents are stored in the repository cfg.

2.2.2   ‘Old’ Butler mechanisms and their ‘new’ Butler counterparts

Instead of naming a mapper in a single-purpose text file, the mapper is embedded in the repository cfg file.
Instead of a symlink to another repository on the local disc, the repository cfg has a list of URIs. Each points to the parent repository’s cfg file.
The current CameraMapper makes many calls to the local file system directly, and uses the _parent mechanism to refer to parent repositories. This is currently the case, but very soon will be refactored; each repository (parents and children) that use the CameraMapper will be managed by a separate Repository class in Butler. Searching parents will be executed by Butler.

2.2.3   CameraMapper no longer Accesses Parents Directly

In New Butler the CameraMapper does not access parents directly (via _parent symlinks). In the cases where child repositories need to access elements of parent repositories, those elements are passed to the children:

  • Parent Registry: when a Repository does not have its own sqlite Registry, it may use the sqlite Registry of its parent to perform lookups. To provide this, the Butler searches the Repository’s parent Repositories (depth first) until a Repository with an sqlite Registry is found, and that Registry is passed to the Repository and to its mapper as the “parent Registry”. Right now the rule is very simplistic (simply search for and return the first-found sqlite registry). We could restrict the search so that some registries are passed over if they don’t match the child Repository. I think it would be worth waiting and designing this with the output registry feature we’ve discussed.
  • Parent mapper: new output repositories used to discover their mapper by using the same mapper as the input Repository (via the outputRoot mechanism). Now, a “default mapper” is discovered by inspecting the input repositories. If all the input repositories use the same mapper then a default mapper is inferred and new output repositories will use that same mapper. If input repositories use different mappers then a default mapper can not be established and new Repositories must specify a mapper with their RepositoryArgs. We have discussed that some mappers are nonsensical as candidates for default mapper, no fitlering of mappers is implemented yet.
  • Mapper init: To allow Butler to set parameters that are used in CameraMapper.__init__ (e.g. the mapper’s registry, which may be a parent’s registry), mappers should not be initialized when passed into Butler. The mapper (passed in via a dict or a RepositoryArgs instance) should be a Class object or an importable string.

2.2.4   ButlerLocation Requires Storage Interface

A mapper may manage more than one Storage location (e.g. CameraMapper‘s calibRoot can point at a second Storage location). Because of this, ButlerLocation now requires a Storage class instance that is the storage to which the location refers.

A ButlerLocation contains a location (path) within a Storage Interface. The Storage Interface keeps track of the root, so the location needs only the path from root. As a result, ButlerLocaiton.getLocations() returns the location without the root.

To get the location prepeneded with root (root+location), use ButlerLocation.getLocationsWithRoot().

When initializing a ButlerLocation (during a map), a Storage Interface instance must be passed to ButlerLocation.__init__(...)   Mappers Should Provide Access to their Registry

Mappers should provide access to their registry via the method getRegistry(self). This allows mappers in child repositories to use the registry from a parent.

2.3   Dataset

A dataset is the persisted form of an in-memory object. It could be a single item, a composite, or a collection. Examples: int/long, PropertySet, ExposureF, WCS, PSF, set/list/dict.

2.4   Repository


This section describes New Butler Repositories, much of which should be considered internal-only, non-public API for the time being. See documentation in daf_persistence and daf_butlerUtils for current butler use and API.

A Repository refers to data storage. In persisted form (i.e. in on disk, in a database, or in other storage) a repository contains any/all of:

  • a collection of datasets
  • the name of the mapper to use
  • the policy that is used to configure the mapper
  • a registry to expedite data lookup
  • references to parent repositories.

When a Repository class is instantiated, it uses input configuration arguments to locate or create a repository in storage. It then instantiates the Mapper and Access classes as well as its parent & peer Repositories.

If the configuration arguments point to a repository that already exists then the arguments must be consistent with the stored repository configuration. This includes which mapper to use and what the parents of that repository are.

2.4.1   Root

Root is the ‘top-level’ location of a Repository and provides access to within-repository items such as RepositoryCfg, a Policy, and the Registry. These provide further information about where actual Datasets can be found (currently with in-filesystem repositories, the files are always stored under the folder indicated by Root).

Root is passed to the Butler by URI. Currently the only supported storage back end is the local filesystem. URI for this may be passed as a relative path (foo/bar), an absolute path (/foo/bar), or explicitly with the file schema name (file:///foo/bar); only absolute paths are supported when naming the file schema explicitly. In the future other schemas will be supported.

2.4.2   CfgRoot

If a RepositoryCfg is not located within the repository it can exist at a “configuration root”. It’s root parameter must indicate where the repository is.

2.4.3   Parents

Repositories may have zero or more parents that are other repositories. These repositories are used by the butler as inputs. Repositories’ parent configuration are referenced by URI in the repository configuration.

When a repository is used as a Butler output, all of the butler’s input and writable output repositories are listed in that output repository’s list of parent repositories. (But not parents-of-parents etc; these are found again the next time the parent is loaded).

2.4.4   Repository Version

This feature is still being designed and developed under DM-4168 - Data repository selection based on version.

The stated requirement is: Must support a system so that data may be referred to by version at repository load time at the latest. (Won’t be selectable by dataId when calling Butler.get(...)) .

2.5   Butler

The Butler class is the overall interface and manager for repositories. The Butler init function takes a list of input and output repositories (see below for a description of inputs and outputs) that are used as locations for i/o.

The new butler initializer API is Butler(inputs=None, outputs=None). Values for both inputs and outputs can be an instance of the RepositoryArgs class, a dict that will be used to initialize a RepositoryArgs instance, or can be a string that is treated as the root (a URI to a repository). In inputs, root must refer to a location that contains a persisted RepositoryCfg and in outputs it can refer to an existing RepositoryCfg or can be a location to create a new repository. Additionally, the value can be either a single item or a sequence of one or more items.

2.5.1   Inputs and Outputs

Butler will only perform read actions on input repositories and will perform read and write actions on output repositories. Repositories may also have a mode that can be one of:

  • read
  • write
  • read-write

When the mode of an output repository is read-write it will also be used as an input. Attempting to pass a read-only repo as a butler output or a write-only repo as a butler input will raise an exception.   Already existing Repositories as Outputs

When initializing a Butler with one or more output repositories that already exist it is important to not add any input repositories that are not already parents of the output repository. This is because all butler inputs (including readable outputs) become parents of output repositories, and the repository configuration is not allowed to change after it has been written.   Output arguments derived from inputs

Some settings for output repositories can be derived from input repository configurations. For example, if an output configuration does not specify a mapper, the input mapper may possibly be assumed (this will work as long as all the input repositories use the same type of mapper; if the inputs use different types of mapper then a single type mapper can not be inferred to use for the output repositories). When possible the butler will use settings from input configurations to complete RepositoryArgs parameters for output repositories.   Search Order

The order of repositories passed to inputs and outputs is meaningful; search is depth-first and in order (left to right). Readable outputs will be searched before inputs. Parents of readable outputs/inputs will be searched before the next passed-in output/input.

2.5.2   Tagging

Readable repositories can be “tagged” with an identifier that gets used when reading from a repository. A tag can be specified in RepositoryArgs when initializing a Butler. A repository can be tagged with more than one tag by passing in a container of tags. The tag is not persisted with the repository.

When performing read operations on the butler, if the DataId contains one or more tags, the repository will only be used for lookups if it is also tagged with one of the tags in the DataId. If the DataId has no tags, then all input repositories will be used. More information about DataId and its tag are available in the DataId section.

2.5.3   RepositoryArgs

RepositoryArgs instances are used to instantiate repositories in Butler. Its parameters are:

  • mode
    • Optional.
    • string - This can be one of ‘r’, ‘w’, or ‘rw’ (read, write, read-write).
    • It is used to indicate the read/write state of the repositories. Input repositories are always read-only and an exception will be raised if the mode of an input repository is ‘w’. It may be ‘rw’ but for inputs the behavior will be the same as ‘r’. Output repositories must be ‘w’ or ‘rw’. If it is ‘rw’ the repository will also be used as an input repository. If mode is not specified, outputs will default to ‘w’ and inputs will default to ‘w’.
  • mapper
    • Optional if the repository already exists - for inputs it’s better to leave this parameter empty. For outputs it’s optional if the mapper can be inferred from the input repositories and is otherwise required.
    • Can be an importable & instantiatable string (e.g. lsst.daf.persistence.CameraMapper), an class object, or a class instance.
    • This specifies the mapper to be used by the repository.
  • mapperArgs
    • Optional
    • dict
    • These arguments are passed to the mapper when it is being instantiated (if it needs to be instantiated). If the mapper requires Root it does not need to be included in mapperArgs. When creating the mapper if Root is needed the butler will get Root from storage and use that.
  • root and cfgRoot
    • at least one is required.
    • string URI
    • root is a URI to where the repository or repositoryCfg is (if it exists already) or to where the repository should be (if it does not exist yet). If the RepositoryCfg is or should be stored separately from the repository then cfgRoot should be a URI to the persisted RepositoryCfg.
  • policy
    • Optional
    • dictionary (nested)
    • Represents policy to be used and saved with the repository configuration.
  • tags
    • Optional
    • Any tag type
    • Indicates the tags that a repository should be labeled with in the butler. (There is also a member function of RepositoryCfg to set tags on an instantiated cfg.)

If the repository already exists it is best to only to populate:

  • root (required, to find the repository cfg)
  • tags - if any are to be used.
  • mode - for output repositories that should be readable.

If mapper and/or mapperArgs are populated and the value in args does not match the value of the persisted RepositoryCfg an exception will be raised.

Details about the repository configuration are persisted in the RepositoryCfg object when it is serialized. RepositoryArgs parameters that do not appear in the RepositoryCfg are not persisted (mode, tags).

2.5.4   RepositoryCfg

When a Repository is initialized by Butler its RepositoryCfg is persisted. The RepositoryCfg is written only once and can not change. The RepositoryCfg parameters are:

  • root
    • Required (but may not appear in persisted RepositoryCfg). This field is populated in the persisted cfg in the case where the cfg is not stored in the repository. If the persisted cfg is at the root of the repository then the field is left blank.
    • string URI
    • This is a URI to the root location of the repository.
  • mapper
    • Required
    • Can be an importable & instantiatable string (e.g. lsst.daf.persistence.CameraMapper), an class object, or a class instance.
    • This indicates the mapper to use with this repository
  • mapperArgs
    • Required
    • dict or None
    • These arguments are passed to the mapper when it is being instantiated (if it needs to be instantiated and the mapper parameter does not have the args packed into that value). If the mapper requires root it does not need to be included in mapperArgs. When creating the mapper if Root is needed the butler will get root from storage and use that.
  • parents
    • required
    • list or None
    • This is a list of URI to the RepositoryCfg of each parent.
  • policy
    • optional
    • dict (nested)
    • This is policy to be added to the rest of the policy loaded by the butler for this repository.
  • _isLegacyRepository
    • not persisted, required in instantiated RepositoryCfg (but is instantiated via the cfg reader).
    • bool
    • this is used to mark when a RepositoryCfg was synthesized by reading an old-style repository filesystem layout, including reading the _mapper file and populating root from the repository’s root. In the case where _isLegacyRepository is True, the RepositoryCfg is never persisted; the next time the repository is used the cfg will be synthesized again.   Persisted Parent Path is Relative When Possible

When the Storage class can establish a relative path between the RepositoryCfg root and a parent URI in the parents list, the URI in the parents list is stored as a relative path. This makes it easier to move Repositories from one location to another.

In the RepositoryCfg.parents property getter the relative paths are converted to absolute paths. Everywhere else in the Butler framework absolute paths are used so that repository identification is unambiguous.

RepositoryCfg uses Storage.absolutePath(...) and Storage.relativePath(...) to try to get absolute and relative paths between two URIs.   Moving Repositories and RepositoryCfgs

When copying a repository from one Storage type to another (e.g. from a developer to a Swift location) it’s possible the parent URIs will have to be adjusted. When we add Storage locations this should be considered, and it’s possible we should write a helper script to support this.

2.6   Mapper

A Mapper is used by a Repository to find datasets (when reading) or locations for datasets (when writing). the Mapper class must be subclassed to implement meaningful behavior. The most commonly used Mapper subclass in LSST is CameraMapper.

Typically a Mapper instance is configured by the Policy.

2.7   Storage Layer

Storage is the abstraction layer that separates Repositories in persistant storage from the parts of the framework that use the data in the Repository.

There is a Storage class that is a factory and convenience layer, and Storage Interface classes that implement access to different types of storage types such as the local filesystem or remote object stores like Swift.

Storage Interface classes are responsible for implementing concurrency control that cooperates with their actual storage.

Storage Interface classes are interfaces and may contain datasets (e.g. in-memory storage), but they do not necessarily contain datasets.

2.7.1   Storage Class

Storage is a factory class for Storage Interface instances. Storage interface classes register themselves with the Storage class by calling Storage.registerStorageClass(scheme, cls) where scheme matches the scheme of the URI that describes a Repository root, and cls is the class object that implements the StorageInterface protocol.

Storage also is a helper for accessing storage interface functions. Without it, users would have to call e.g. Storage.makeFromUri(uri).putRepositoryCfg(uri, cfg), whereas with the helper in Storage, the user can call Storage.putRepositoryCfg(uri, cfg) and Storage handles making a temporary Storage Interface instance inside the body of the function.

2.7.2   Storage Interface Protocol

Butler uses Storage Interface classes and a Storage factory class to allow it to work with files that may be located anywhere (not just on the local posix filesystem, e.g. in a Swift storage). To support this a Storage Interface definition has been added. Storage-type specific classes should be used instead of calling filesystem directly to access a repository. For example, an instance of PosixStorage is used to access the filesystem. A SwiftStorage instance will be used to access a Repository in a Swift storage container. The Storage interface is still “wet paint” but currently includes the following functions. When creating new Storage Interface classes, these must be implemented.

def write(self, butlerLocation, obj):
    """Writes an object to a location and persistence format specified by ButlerLocation

    butlerLocation : ButlerLocation
        The location & formatting for the object to be written.
    obj : object instance
        The object to be written.

def read(self, butlerLocation):
    """Read from a butlerLocation.

    butlerLocation : ButlerLocation
        The location & formatting for the object(s) to be read.

    A list of objects as described by the butler location. One item for
    each location in butlerLocation.getLocations()

def getLocalFile(self, path):
    """Get the path to a local copy of the file, downloading it to a
    temporary if needed.

    A path the the file in storage, relative to root.

    A path to a local copy of the file. May be the original file (if
    storage is local).

def exists(self, location):
    """Check if location exists.

    location : ButlerLocation or string
        A a string or a ButlerLocation that describes the location of an
        object in this storage.

        True if exists, else False.

def instanceSearch(self, path):
    """Search for the given path in this storage instance.

    If the path contains an HDU indicator (a number in brackets before the
    dot, e.g. 'foo.fits[1]', this will be stripped when searching and so
    will match filenames without the HDU indicator, e.g. 'foo.fits'. The
    path returned WILL contain the indicator though, e.g. ['foo.fits[1]'].

    path : string
        A filename (and optionally prefix path) to search for within root.

    string or None
        The location that was found, or None if no location was found.

def search(root, path, searchParents=False):
    """Look for the given path in the current root.

    Also supports searching for the path in Butler v1 repositories by
    following the Butler v1 _parent symlink

    If the path contains an HDU indicator (a number in brackets, e.g.
    'foo.fits[1]', this will be stripped when searching and so
    will match filenames without the HDU indicator, e.g. 'foo.fits'. The
    path returned WILL contain the indicator though, e.g. ['foo.fits[1]'].

    root : string
        The path to the root directory.
    path : string
        The path to the file within the root directory.
    searchParents : bool, optional
        For Butler v1 repositories only, if true and a _parent symlink
        exists, then the directory at _parent will be searched if the file
        is not found in the root repository. Will continue searching the
        parent of the parent until the file is found or no additional
        parent exists.

    string or None
        The location that was found, or None if no location was found.

def copyFile(self, fromLocation, toLocation):
    """Copy a file from one location to another on the local filesystem.

    fromLocation : path
        Path and name of existing file.
     toLocation : path
        Path and name of new file.


def locationWithRoot(self, location):
    """Get the full path to the location.

    :param location:

def getRepositoryCfg(uri):
    """Get a persisted RepositoryCfg

    uri : URI or path to a RepositoryCfg

    A RepositoryCfg instance or None

def putRepositoryCfg(cfg, loc=None):
    """Serialize a RepositoryCfg to a location.

    When loc == cfg.root, the RepositoryCfg is to be writtenat the root
    location of the repository. In that case, root is not written, it is
    implicit in the location of the cfg. This allows the cfg to move from
    machine to machine without modification.

    cfg : RepositoryCfg instance
        The RepositoryCfg to be serailized.
    loc : None, optional
        The location to write the RepositoryCfg. If loc is None, the
        location will be read from the root parameter of loc.


def getMapperClass(root):
    """Get the mapper class associated with a repository root.

    root : string
        The location of a persisted ReositoryCfg is (new style repos).

    A class object or a class instance, depending on the state of the
    mapper when the repository was created.

# Optional: Only needs to work if relative paths are sensical on this
# storage type and for the case where fromPath and toPath are of the same
# storage type.
def relativePath(fromPath, toPath):
    """Get a relative path from a location to a location.

    fromPath : string
        A path at which to start. It can be a relative path or an
        absolute path.
    toPath : string
        A target location. It can be a relative path or an absolute path.

        A relative path that describes the path from fromPath to toPath.

# Optional: Only needs to work if relative paths and absolute paths are
# sensical on this storage type and for the case where fromPath and toPath
# are of the same storage type.
def absolutePath(fromPath, relativePath):
    """Get an absolute path for the path from fromUri to toUri

    fromPath : the starting location
        A location at which to start. It can be a relative path or an
        absolute path.
    relativePath : the location relative to fromPath
        A relative path.

        Path that is an absolute path representation of fromPath +
        relativePath, if one exists. If relativePath is absolute or if
        fromPath is not related to relativePath then relativePath will be

2.8   ButlerLocation

A ButlerLocation class instance contains the results of a map action including information from the policy such as what kind of object to instantiate from the dataset as well as information for the Butler such as what Storage instance to read the dataset from.

2.8.1   Compressed Datasets

The standard implementation of the Mapping object (used by CameraMapper) allows files to be compressed, with a .gz or .fz file extension. Support for these extensions is hard coded into Mapping but could be refactored to be specified by policy if necessary.

2.9   Mapper Configuration

2.9.1   Policy

The policy provides configuration details for the butler framework that will access a dataset. The policy may be defined in any/all of:

  1. The repository (as a parameter of the repository configuration)
  2. The package that subclasses CameraMapper. Policy files should be in a folder called ‘policy’ at the top level of the package directory (e.g. obs_test/policy/...).
  3. The butler framework provides basic policy details at daf_persistence/policy and obs_base/policy.

If policy keys conflict, settings will override in that order, where the in-repository settings will have highest priority.

In-repository policy is defined in new output repositories in the repository args object passed to butler initialization, or in the repository configuration of existing input and output repositories.

In-repository policy does not get inherited by child repositories; a parent repository’s policy is unique to that repository (unless explicitly duplicated in the child repository’s configuration).

2.9.2   Dataset Type

A label given to a one or more datasets reflecting their meaning or usage (not their persisted representation). Each dataset type corresponds to exactly one Python type. Dataset types are used by convention by Tasks for their inputs and outputs. Examples: calexp, src, icSrc.

2.9.3   Dataset Prototype


Dataset Prototype is currently concept-ware and does not exist at all in code. See details below.

This concept is work-in-progress, and is related to making it possible to define dataset types at runtime. DM-4180 - Butler: provide API so that a task can define the output dataset type.

A labeled set of basic access characteristics serving as the basis for a group of dataset types, used to define new dataset types. The characteristics may include code, template strings, and other configuration data. Dataset genres are often (but not necessarily) common to all dataset types with the same Python type, making it easy for an application to select which genre is applicable to a new dataset type that it is creating.

2.10   CameraMapper

The CameraMapper is used by most packages that use the Butler.

(There is much to be said about the CameraMapper and this section is work-in-progress.

2.10.1   Metadata Getter

The metadata of an object can be retrieved by adding _md to the end of the dataset type name when calling Butler.get. For example, calexpMetadata = butler.get(calexp_md, ...)

2.10.2   Exposure component Getters

For exposure datasets, the wcs, calib, and visit information can be retrieved by adding _ plus the extension to the dataset type when calling butler.get, like so:

  • <datasetType>_wcs, for example wcs = butler.get(calexp_wcs, ...)
  • <datasetType>_calib, for example calib = butler.get(calexp_calib, ...)
  • <datasetType>_visitInfo for example wcs = butler.get(calexp_visitInfo, ...)

2.10.3   Bypass Functions

If a CameraMapper subclass wants to use a different deserializer than the standard Butler deserialization schemes, it can implement a function that starts with bypass_ followed by the datasetType name. The function signature must be (self, datasetType, pythonType, location, dataId) where datasetType is the datasetType name (matches the policy), pythonType is a class instance that the policy specifies for the datasetType’s python type, location is a ButlerLocation, and dataId is the the DataId instance that was used to map the object. For example to implement an alternate reader for the calexp dataset, create a function def bypass_calexp(self, datasetType, pythonType, location, dataId) that returns the read object.

Bypass functions do not participate in the Butler’s deferred-read mechanism. This is because with multiple repositories the Butler may successfully map the ButlerLocation, but the object needed may actually exist in a parent repository. Normally the Butler can accommodate this by looking to see if the located object exists in the repository. But with a bypass function the Butler can not know what object is actually needed and for example some mappers return information derived from the location.dataId and do not actually need the object itself.

2.11   Registry

The mapper may use a Registry to look up data about an object when performing a query. Currently this can be an sqlite3 database, the class that uses this is SqliteRegistry. Or if no sqlite3 database is found in the repository, Butler will create a PosixRegistry class to perform data lookups on the repository.

If a repository does not have a sqlite3 registry then the Butler will look in parent repositories for a parent with an SqliteRegistry and if/when one is found will stop looking, and pass that registry to the Mapper that is being initialized as the parentRegistry init arg.

2.12   DataId

A class that extends dict. As a dict it contains scientifically meaningful key-value pairs the mapper to find a location of one or more datasets that should be read or written.

It also contains a member variable called tag:

  • tag may be a string or other type, including container types. When searching repositories, if the tag argument is not None, then repositories will only be searched if their tag equals the value of tag (or if a match is found in either container of tags).
  • When searching, if an input repository is tagged, all of its parents will be searched (even if they do not have a tag).
  • The Butler API allows a dict to be passed instead of a DataId; as needed it will convert the dict into a DataId object (with no tags) internally.

2.13   Butler with Legacy Repositories

2.13.1   _parent

Until March 2016 Butler did not have a class abstraction for repositories, and a Butler was instantiated with a single repository. That single repository could have “parent” repositories. This allowed the repository to access datasets from other repositories. This was implemented putting a symlink at the top level of the repository on disk (at the location specified by “root”) named _parent whose target was the root of the parent repository.

There is still support for _parent symlinks in the locations it was used as of March 2016 (there is minimal support in the Butler framework classes and it is mostly used by CameraMapper). To the extent possible this will be maintained but new code and features may not make any attempt to support it.

When searching multiple repositories (current implementation; parents and peers set by the cfg) an ‘old style’ repo with _parent symlinks will be treated as a single repository. IE the _parent symlinks get followed before the next repo in repository._parents is searched.

2.14   Subset

ButlerSubset is a container for ButlerDataRefs. It represents a collection of data ids that can be used to obtain datasets of the type used when creating the collection or a compatible dataset type. It can be thought of as the result of a query for datasets matching a partial data id.

The ButlerDataRefs are generated at a specified level of the data id hierarchy. If that is not the level at which datasets are specified, the ButlerDataRef.subItems() method may be used to dive further into the ButlerDataRefs.

2.14.1   DataRef

A ButlerDataRef is a reference to a potential dataset or group of datasets that is portable between compatible dataset types. As such, it can be used to create or retrieve datasets.

ButlerDataRefs are (conceptually) created as elements of a ButlerSubset by Butler.subset(). They are initially specific to the dataset type passed to that call, but they may be used with any other compatible dataset type. Dataset type compatibility must be determined externally (or by trial and error).

ButlerDataRefs may be created at any level of a data identifier hierarchy. If the level is not one at which datasets exist, a ButlerSubset with lower-level ButlerDataRefs can be created using ButlerDataRef.subItems().

2.14.2   DataRefSet

Logically, a set of ‘DataRef’s. This may be implemented as an iterator/generator in some contexts where materializing the set would be expensive. The ‘DataRefSet’ is usually generated by listing existing datasets of a particular dataset type, but its component ‘DataRef’s can be used with other dataset types.

2.15   Caching

When an object is read by the Butler, the Butler keeps a weakref to that object and returns a normal reference to that object. As long as the normal ref is kept (i.e. as long as the object is not garbage collected) the Butler will keep the weakref. If that object is read again, the butler will get a normal ref (via the weakref) from the cache instead of reading the object from persisted data a second time.

This is accomplished by keeping a WeakValueDictionary in Butler, where the key is a custom hash of the ButlerLocation passed to Butler._read, and the value is the object that was loaded using that ButlerLocation. The hash of ButlerLocation parameters includes the items needed to uniquely identify an object to be loaded (or retrieved from the cache).

The type of python object that should be returned.
The type of swigged cpp object that will get read & returned (if any)
The name/type of storage that the object is persisted as
Identifier for exactly which mapper instance mapped this object.
Identifier for exactly which storage instance read this object.
The URI that the object was read from (I think the length of this list will always be exactly 1.
The usedDataId contains the dataId that was used to map the object. It contains items from the dataId that were passed to butler.get that were used (and not items that were not used), as well as items that had to be looked up. Having the usedDataId depends on this value being passed into the init function (usually by the mapper or mapping). If this value is not defined then the object will not be cached.

2.15.1   Cached-Object Mutability

This introduces an issue with object mutability. If a component object in the cache is shared between two composite objects, then it is possible that one of the composite objects could change the component object where the other composite object did not expect the component to change.

One way to solve this would be to make composite objects that can/should be shared const, but that’s c++ talk; it is not obvious that there is any ‘good’ way to make a Python object immutable.

We might need to add api to butler.get so that an object can (should) declare if an object will be mutates (in which case the loaded object should be unique. This might be difficult in the presence of component objects, however. The ‘will mutate’ flag might need to be in the datasetType definition. However, current feedback from science users is they would not mutate a component object that should not be mutated across all instances of that object anyway.

2.16   Composite Datasets

There need not be a one-to-one relationship between an instance of serialized data, such as in a single FITS file, and datasets (where the definition of a dataset is “the persisted form of an in-memory object. It could be a single item, a composite, or a collection”). The relationship can occur as many datasets in one file, and can also occur as one dataset spread across many files.

2.16.1   Many datasets in one file

A file (or other persistent representation of a dataset) may be composed of multiple component datasets. Each of those datasets is retrievable independently, provided an appropriate plugin exists to read it.

2.16.2   One dataset across multiple files

A dataset being retrieved may be composed of multiple component datasets, each of which is its own independent dataset. Butler supports getting python objects that are composed of datasets that exist in multiple files. This is the purpose of Composite Datasets.

2.16.3   Composite Dataset Types

Type 1
All the data for a single dataset is all the data in a single (FITS) file.
Type 2
Many different datasets have data in a single (FITS) file.
Type 3
A single dataset has data in many different (FITS) files.

2.16.4   Components

A Composite dataset is made up of Component datasets, each of which may be a type of composite dataset or a Type 1 dataset.

Components are specified in the policy, as named members under the composite section within the composite object datasetType definition:

<datasetType name>: {
    composite: {
        <component name>: {
            datasetType: <datasetType of component>
        <component name>: {
            datasetType: <datasetType of component>

Each component has a named section that names the component and provides its dataset type and other details, outlined below.

The datasetType of the component refers to another datasetType within the policy. The details in the other datasetType will be used for getting and putting this component.

2.16.5   Composeable and Decomposable Objects

Python objects that should be created from or, may contain, individual component objects must be able to be created from those separate components or have those components assigned at a later time. Objects that should be persisted into individual components must provide a means of accessing those component objects for serialization (i.e. the class must provide getters or the member that is the component must be accessible).

2.16.6   Assembler & Disassembler

For every Composite datasetType, an “assembler” function is required by Butler. This function is used to assemble a Composite object from its component parts. Similarly, a “disassembler” is required, that can deconstruct a Composite Object into Component Objects to be serialized individually.

There is a generic assembler and disassembler that can be used in some cases. If it won’t work, assembler and disassembler plugins can be specified.   Assembler & Disassembler Plugins

Assembler and Disassembler functions are specified in the policy as members of the composite object datasetType definition.

See Composite Policy to see how to include the assembler in the policy.

The assembler function signature is:

def <assembler function name>(dataId, componentInfo, cls):
    """Function for assembling <object> in Butler

    dataId : dict
        The dataId that was used to find the objects in componentInfo.
    componentInfo : dict of componentDatasetName to ComponentInfo
        Keys are the component names as defined by the datasetType in the
        policy. Values are ComponentInfo objects.
    cls : class object
        A class object of the type specified for this datasetType by the policy.

    object : instance of cls
        Object that has been assembled or constructed with component inputs.

The disassembler function signature is:

def <disassembler function name>(obj, dataId, componentInfo):
    """Function for disassembling <object> in Butler

    obj : object instance
        The object that will be disassembled into component parts.
    dataId : dict
        The dataId that is being used to persist this object.
    componentInfo : dict of componentDatasetName to ComponentInfo
        A dict of ComponentInfo instances to populate with the components
        that should be persisted for this composite. Keys are the component
        names as defined by the datasetType in the policy. Values are
        ComponentInfo objects.

    """   ComponentInfo

ComponentInfo is a class used when assembling and disassembling a composite object in butler. It contains information about a component of a composite object and has a slot for passing the component object into the assembler and for the disssembler to pass the component object out.

ComponentInfo is used as an input to assemblers and disassemblers (which are part of the butler public API).

Some ComponentInfo parameters are populated with information from the policy and some are filled in by the butler, and when disassembling a composite object the obj slot is populated by the disassembler. More details are available in the class docstrings.   Generic Assembler & Disassembler

Butler has a generic assembler and disassembler that can be used in some cases, listed below. The list is in the order butler will try to apply the generic assembler.

The generic assembler will be used when:

  1. The policy for the composite does not name an assembler.
  2. If a setter is not named for any component of the composite, and the python object’s __init__ function has input arguments for all the components that match the componentNames in the policy. In this case the object will be initialized with the components.
  3. For each component:
  1. The policy names the setter for the component.
  2. The policy’s component name matches the setter’s name so that the setter name can be inferred (more on inference below).

The generic disassembler will be used when:

  1. The policy for the composite does not name an disassembler.
  2. For each component:
  1. The policy names the getter for the component.
  2. The policy’s component name matches the getter’s name so that the getter name can be inferred (more on inference below).

Setter & getter name inference:

For each component, if the policy does not specify a setter name and the python object has setter names that match the component name then the setter name can be inferred. It will first try 'set' + <componentName>, and if that does not exist it will try 'set' + <componentName>.capitalize (e.g. for component name ‘foo’, it will try setfoo and then setFoo.) If no setter is specified and no setter can be found for a component object, it will raise a runtime error.

Getter name inference works the same way (of course, replacing ‘set’ with ‘get’).

2.16.7   Component Subset

If, instead of a single component object, a list of component objects is desired for a given component, the keyword ‘subset’ can be added to the component dataset definition, with the value True.

<datasetType name>: {
    composite: {
        <component name>: {
            subset: True

When Butler is getting components for a composite and sees this keyword, it will use Butler.subset to find the component (instead of Butler.get, which is the normal case). When butler passes the dict of ComponentInfo to the assembler, the ComponentInfo.obj parameter will be a list of component objects.

Note that the generic assembler does not interpret the list of component objects; the list will be passed as-is to the object constructor.

2.16.8   Input-Only Components

The policy may mark components as input-only. This allows the dataset to be persisted to output repository (or repositories) without writing certain components that should not be written. To do so, use the keyword inputOnly and make its value True.

<datasetType name>: {
    composite: {
        <component name>: {
            inputOnly: True

2.16.9   Composite Policy

To indicate that a dataset should be serialized/deserialized from components, the policy’s dataset definition has a keyword composite. The structure is:

<dataset type name>: {
    composite: {
        <component name>: {
            datasetType: <dataset type>
            setter: <method name of setter>
            getter: <method name of getter>
            assembler: <importable function to do custom deserialization>
            disassembler: <importable function to do custom serialization>
            subset: bool
            inputOnly: bool


<dataset type name>
The name of the dataset
A new section. It is optional. (it should be omitted if the dataset is not a composite.)
<component name>
A name that is used to refer to the component within the composite. Some default values can be inferred from the name (see setter & getter).
Names the dataset type that should be used for this component.
Names the method that is used to set the component in the composite class. Defaults to set<component name>
Similar to ‘setter’: names the method that is used to get the component from the composite class. Defaults to get<component name>
Name of a function that can be used to instantiate the custom object. Optional, omit this parameter if the generic assembler can & should be used.
Similar to assembler but for custom deserialization.
Optional. If true, indicates that the object returned for this dataset type should be a list of objects, found by calling butler.subset(<dataset type>, dataId), where the dataset type is the component datasetType, and the dataId is what was passed into butler.get(..., dataId).
Optional. If true, indicates that the object should not be put when putting the components of the composite dataset.

2.16.10   Component Dataset Location

Component datasets may exist within the same or different repositories. Butler uses self.get(...) to find each component, so for each component the search will start at the top of the repository search list.

2.16.11   Loading Components Individually

It is possible to load a Component object of a Composite dataset without loading the entire Composite object. To do so, when calling butler.get(), use <datasetType>.<componentName>. For example, when using a composite declared like this:

calexp_psf: {
    ...type 1 dataset details...

calexp: {
    composite: {
        psf: {
            datasetType: 'calexp_psf'

You can retrieve just the psf of the calexp by calling:

psf = butler.get('calexp.psf', dataId={...})

Similarly, you can put just the psf of the calexp by calling:

butler.put(psf, 'calexp.psf', dataId={...})

Note that componentName and its datasetType are in different namespaces. Because of this, a component name can be the same string as its datasetType, but it does not have to be.

3   DAX

3.1   Overview - What is DAX?

DAX is a collection of Data Access Interfaces implemented as REST APIs. Currently, there are three core APIs: dbserv, metaserv, and imgserv. They are all implemented in python using the Flask framework. The collection of these APIs referred to as webserv.

3.2   dbserv

dbserv is the REST API for databases. The primary target for dbserv will be as a frontend for QServ, but dbserv is generic enough to be used in front of any database, providing the user a uniform interface and JSON data structure back. dbserv’s interface borrows heavily from the IVOA Table Access Protocol. While we aim to provide a complete, TAP-compliant implementation, dbserv is currently a small subset TAP. We implement only the /sync endpoint, and we also return a JSON format

3.2.1   Design Requirements

dbserv has two primary requirements. The first requirement is to behave as an abstraction for database access, providing a portable way of performing both synchronous and asynchronous queries, providing raw data access to any LSST database through an HTTP API. The second requirement of is, effectively, to implement the features in TAP. This can be broken down into four parts:

The second requirement of is, effectively, to implement the features in TAP. This can be broken down into four parts:

  1. Serve and package data to the proper file format * (JSON, FITS, VOTable, HDF5, SQLite)
  2. Implement ADQL (in some cases, a subset of ADQL)
  3. Semantically-useful metadata about results (e.g. UCDs)
  4. Handle table uploads from users

The current implementation of dbserv meets a small subset of these requirements.

3.2.2   Future work

In order to best meet these and future requirements moving forward, dbserv will likely split into two components.

For the first requirement, we will have a component will behave as a lower level API to the databases, optimized for the datacenter and simplicity of use. While TAP could conceivably meet most of the needs, TAP’s abstractions aren’t efficient for server to server communications, namely streaming, which is an issue for results larger than a gigabyte.

The second component will act as an intermediary between the user and the lower level component. In the common case of an ADQL query, this component will parse the query, validate tables and columns, retrieve UCDs from metaserv (where appropriate), and possibly rewrite the query to plain SQL for the lower level API. If the downstream database does not directly implement asynchronous queries, like the L2 database for example, this component will directly implement them, otherwise it will defer to the implementation. Finally, this component will be in charge of stitching together the raw data into an appropriate file format and attaching semantic metadata about the results to the file, like UCDs, whenever possible

In order to serve up UCDs and other semantic metadata about a query and/or it’s results, this second component will likely provide an API which a user might also use in conjunction with the lower level API to mimic the functionality of the full TAP implementation with the performance benefits of the lower level API. This will likely be most useful for efficient server-to-server communications, the likely customer being SUIT. It’s also possible this API may actually be implemented in metaserv.

3.3   imgserv

imgserv is a lightweight API to serve up images. The current implementation of imgserv uses the Butler to acquire relevant images, and imgserv transforms those images in-process, providing cutouts of images. imgserv may also grow into a collection of services including IVOA’s Simple Image Access and SODA.

3.4   metaserv

metaserv is both a metadata database for dataset repositories and the API to query that database. Currently, the only repositories that are supported are databases repositories, and metaserv stores information about tables and their columns, like UCDs. metaserv will likely grow to include metadata about images and more generally, Butler repositories. It is not necessarily a goal of metaserv to facilitate data discovery.

3.5   Future DAX Services

We recognize the need for a Butler service which can act serve as a proxy for remote Butler instantiations and also serve as a generic gateway for languages where no Butler implementation exists, like Java. This use case is especially desired by the SUIT team.

4   Change Record

Version Date Description Owner
0.1 2/15/2016 Initial version. Jacek Becla